Partners, Clients & Chambers
Salı, 11 Şubat 2025

Web Sitemize Hoşgeldiniz!

"Bilgi Her Şey, Deneyim İse Gelecektir!"

Şirket portalımıza hoşgeldiniz. Burada POINT hakkında bazı bilgileri bulabilirsiniz. Faaliyetlerimiz, hizmetlerimiz ve ürünlerimiz hakkında fikir edinebilirsiniz. Talepleriniz veya ilgi alanlarınız doğrultusunda hizmetlerimizle ilgili  daha fazla ve spesifik bilgi almak için lütfen bize ulaşın.

POINT iki ana faaliyet alanında çalışmaktadır:

- Mühendislik İşleri ve Hizmetleri

- ICT & Proje Yönetimi

Devamını oku: Web Sitemize Hoşgeldiniz!

Web Sitemize Hoşgeldiniz!

"Bilgi Her Şey, Deneyim İse Gelecektir!"

Şirket portalımıza hoşgeldiniz. Burada POINT hakkında bazı bilgileri bulabilirsiniz. Faaliyetlerimiz, hizmetlerimiz ve ürünlerimiz hakkında fikir edinebilirsiniz. Talepleriniz veya ilgi alanlarınız doğrultusunda hizmetlerimizle ilgili  daha fazla ve spesifik bilgi almak için lütfen bize ulaşın.

POINT iki ana faaliyet alanında çalışmaktadır:

- Mühendislik İşleri ve Hizmetleri

- ICT & Proje Yönetimi

Devamını oku: Web Sitemize Hoşgeldiniz!

Partners, Clients & Chambers (3)

We have been cooperating, working and establishing business relations with many organisations for over years. Below are some selected entities with whom we had some common activities, and with whom we are still collaborating. For more information, please follow individual links whick will guide you through respective Web sites.

Middle East Technical University (METU) is a state university founded in 1956. The university is one of Turkey's most competitive universities and strives to maintain a high standard of education by international standards. Middle East Technical University is among the “Top 100 Universities by Reputation” which was recently announced by Times Higher Education (THE) on 2012. METU is the first and the only Turkish university that is included in this list.


The language of instruction at METU is English. Currently it has about 24,500 students of which 4,800 are in masters and 2,900 are in doctorate programs and hosts over 1,700 international students from nearly 85 different countries.


METU has 40 undergraduate programs within 5 faculties. Additionally, there are 5 Graduate Schools with 100 masters and 66 doctorate programs and a "School of Foreign Languages" which includes the English Preparatory Department. 14 undergraduate programs and 2 graduate programs are offered in connection with METU Northern Cyprus Campus.


Since its foundation, METU, as an international research university, has been the leading university in Turkey in terms of depth and breadth of international ties and the amount of funds generated from international research projects.

The foundations of Iller Bank laid by Ataturk after the the Turkish War of Independence within the frame of development and reconstruction initiation, with the aim of financing the public works activities of municipalities and cities in 1933.

Iller Bank is a development and investment bank with special budget having company status; and it is a public institution, subordinate of Turkish Republic Ministry of Environmental Issues and Urban Development. It's misson is to contribute in sustainable urbanisation by means of producing and developing projects to municipalities in international standarts, providing credit extensions, providing consulting and giving technical support. The vision of the Bank is to be an international investment bank who has proven quality and who participates in the development process of modern cities.

The WÖLFEL group offers consulting services, software and hardware for state-of-the-art solutions in the fields of noise and vibrations. The company Wölfel was founded by Professor Wölfel in 1971. Today more than 60 employees of the Wölfel group continue working as qualified partners of SME and industrial customers.

Company is engaged in industrial oriented, applied research in the area of dynamics, it's core competence, including themes as:Earthquake Engineering, Seating Comfort, Active Vibration Reduction and Structural Health Monitoring.

Company has many certifications and acreditations internationally. With respect to the industrial application of company's research results, it is presently co-operating with universities, research institutes and industrial partners.

Gazprom is a global energy company basically focused on geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and marketing of gas and other hydrocarbons as well as electric power and heat energy production and distribution. Gazprom is one of the world’s largest energy companies. Also Gazprom is Russia’s largest joint stock company in terms of capitalization.


Gazprom views its mission in reliable, efficient and balanced supply of natural gas, other energy resources and their derivatives to consumers. It pursues the strategic objective of establishing itself as a leader among global energy companies by entering new markets, diversifying its activities and ensuring reliable supplies.

Gazi University is one of the oldest and leader universities of Turkey and it's history dates back to 1929.

Today, Gazi University carries out its educational and research activities with its 25 faculties, 21 colleges, 18 research centers and 5 institutes and it still claims it is a higher education institution which is worthy to Ataturk. Currently it has about 69,000 students of which 11,000 are in masters and doctorate programs. Gazi University also has about 1,000 international students. Number of its academic staff is around 3700.

Chambers that we belong and cooperate continually:

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Kaunas Teknik Üniversitesi (2)

KAUNAS TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ’NDE (LİTVANYA) -  İngilizce Mühendislik Eğitimi Olanağı!

Tüm Avrupa’da geçerli, YÖK denkliği olan öğrenim ve diploma... Rus mühendisliği temeline dayandırılmış, etkin Mühendislik eğitimi... Adaylarda sınav şartı aranmamakla birlikte, eğitimi alabilecek ölçüde yeterli İngilizce bilgisi gereklidir. Mevcut programlar:

        • Finans
        • Pazarlama
        • Muhasebe
        • İnsan Kaynakları
        • Uluslararası İş İdaresi

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