Thursday, 23rd January 2025


Project Development

ICT based project development and administration together with strong Engineering support are relatively a new field for our company. Our activities started in this field in 1999 when we have launched our ICT department and our first commercial portal SVAClub.com. After starting ICT related activities, we have been developing projects on our own and also in various partnership structures and benefiting available funding opportunities for developing our expertise further and attaining new products which can then be commercialized and help to sustain our activities. We have started participating EC LLP in 2006 and since then undersigned to many interesting ICT based adult e-learning projects as a leading organisation or as a partner.

Recently completed and ongoing projects are: 


self-Learn – Mobile self-Learning Tool Targeting Improved Adult Literateness


101086874 – self-Learn is planned to be an innovative, extendible, and expandable mobile tool allowing the self-determination of the state of literacies/illiteracies of adults (level of their low-skilledness) and offering them upskilling to the next level and finally furnishing them with self-assessment mechanism aiming the valuation of their perception for seeing results of their upskilling efforts and in parallel, their self-development rates.


Development of the complete tool will be followed by the testing phase via both built-in perception assessments together with e-feedback and in the field using the hybrid feedback mechanism. The complete feedback system will be useful for collecting opinions not only from the end-users; but also from adult education suppliers, stakeholders, policymakers, and the rest of those who will have come across the self-Learn idea and the tool.


Mobile self-Learning Tool Targeting Improved Adult Literateness (self-Learn) aims to support the enhancement of basic skills of low-skilled adults through the introduction of an Android App for easy and flexible access. The system aims for prior self-assessment for a convenient content offer and a final assessment for measuring the progress of the end-users; eventually, realizes the core objective of "upskilling pathways" with three nested steps.


Team2Share – Integrated Training & Teaching for Learning further aiming Knowledge Sharing Across Generations


2020-1-RO01-KA204-079936 – Project aims to strengthen key skills, including life skills, through introducing innovative methods useful for teachers and trainers; supporting the development and uptake of innovative approaches in learning methodologies and digital technologies for teaching and learning; improving the access to training for low skilled adults, through the development of effective digital, open and innovative methods supporting the work with low skilled adults.


e-Prep – e-Preparation Portal for Teachers-Students-Parents Including Abroad Studies


e-Prep simply aims to support the e-preparation of the whole e-learners for the new era, which was thought to all of us with this unfortunate COVID-19 pandemic experience, which (or similar) may still present in future and it will keep shaping our lives in the near future too. e-Prep also recognizes the fact that, all Europeans are life long learners, and teachers keep learning while they also teach.


e-Prep further aims to clarify terminologies which we all have been using before/during COVID-19 restructuring our learning/teaching ways, and give their proper definitions, including but not limited to Online Learning or e-Learning, Distance, Remote, Blended, Flipped and Hybrid Learning; and address the Hybrid e-Training by also including "parents" within the picture, beyond the teaching and learning individuals.


i-Mentor – Healthier integration of micro-entrepreneurs via support of Mentoring


i-Mentor project targets to improve gender balance and reduce the gender gap of immigrant women-owned businesses; promoting the empowerment of immigrant women via supporting/strengthening their small/micro businesses with the mentoring support of i-Mentors, by developing a systematic approach to introduce business angel model-oriented mentoring concept; aiming to e-train and e-guide those immigrant women-owned SMEs, based on supplying more enhanced initial and continuous training for those who would have proper background and talent, and want to be a mentor for women in a work-based environment.


VirtualCall – m-Training for Inactive Women Aiming their Employment as Call Center Agents at their Homes


The concrete aim of this project is “to e-train inactive women for their e-employment as call center representatives, to work from their homes”. Training concept also includes estage possibility for efficient and complete result achievement. After such a program, individual will be ready to start working, without needing extra steps.


The core objective is therefore “to increase employability of inactive women in a profitable scheme for both employee and employer, under current market conditions”.


F2F-Trust – Micro-Entrepreneurship Supportive Mentoring System Development for Women with fewer Opportunities in Rurals


F2F-Trust model is a win-win model for both participating target groups, who are actually final beneficiaries of the action. The primary target group of the F2F-Trust project is young women living in rural areas without knowing the real value of their handicrafts actually in need of sincere professional support for overcoming this serious barrier - not knowing the actual value of their talent and resulting products.


The second target group is those mentors, offering mentoring as one of the best possible solutions for both groups, aiming to combine work and private life, transfer accumulated knowledge and experience to the individual who needs for improvement of her overall productivity. So, underlining the fact that mentors are aware of specific challenges that young women micro-entrepreneurs face and have the ability to identify and engage in opportunities for ongoing reflection and sharing of knowledge and experience at mental level…


wmn&ART – e-Learning for Inactive Women for Transferring their Talent & Ceramics Art Hobbies in to their Future Income


The project aims to develop and employ an efficient e-LEARNING program which is divided into two sections. The first section is targeting the art mentors who will give mentoring to start-up women entrepreneurs. This first section basically aims to teach art mentors the methodologies on how to prepare future entrepreneur women CHMEs - mentees, for their future home and handcrafting based jobs creation; learn to mentor/support future entrepreneur women CHMEs - mentees, in starting their own business and furnish them with mentoring support for developing consolidation and growth strategies. Thus, the art mentors will be equipped to furnish start-up women on these issues via mentoring support.


The second section of the e-Training Program is targeting the entrepreneur women CHMEs - mentees getting e-Training in the areas of handcrafting productions where they can produce and sell from home, and receive the mentoring support effectively.


CastWoman – Breaking stereotypes of women roles in the foundry sector and awake their interest by Key Enabling Technologies from a gender-inclusive perspective


The project aims to contribute to reducing the gender gap in the foundry industry by highlighting female role models in this professional field, raising awareness among female VET students to non-traditional foundry job paths, and mobilizing their skills and competencies related to KETs to respond to the demands to the new century foundries.


ip4women - Integrated practical e-training & e-guiding for innovative women for facilitating their patent applications


ip4women targets to improve gender balance and reduce the gender gap in patenting by developing a systematic approach to introduce "patent mentoring" concept; aiming to e-train patent e-mentors and eventually e-guide those who would be a potential female patent applicant inventors (mentees); ip4women platform to supply more enhanced initial and continuous training for those  "patent mentors", i.e. for women in work-based environment currently or past; to be active in R/D market. ip4women is completely ICT based idea and has been structured to be a complete online tool serving to these needs and aims. The result will therefore be an open education sources portal serving both patent mentors and first time patent applicants.


e-Mentor - Entrepreneurship Mentoring for Young Graduate Women


The idea primarily is based on professionalizing the youth work force, developing their competences for encouraging and supporting them to become entrepreneurs, if they are in a position to take over their family business or if they are willing to start up a new business.

e-Mentor is developing a model for this aim and test the idea by bringing in youth initiative from partner countries and Central Europe to put their ideas into practice through our e-Mentors' (who are individual 'social enterprises') professional guidance; also furnishing them with entrepreneurship and "Mentee" training through partner universities in the consortium. This training to include both the basics of entrepreneurship financial tools/systems in order to make various financial decisions effectively themselves; and ways of receiving an efficient guidance from their mentors; also making clear that mentoring support is not financial advisory neither solid instructions on what to do specifically on a specific decision or move.


IP4SME - Toolbox for monetizing Intellectual Property Rights, notable patents, esp. designed for SMEs


The aim of the project is to develop a toolbox (online platform) which helps SMEs to identify own IPRs, notable patents, which can be sold or licensed out to a 3rd parties; to valuate their own IPRs, to identify potential licensees or buyers and monetize their unused patents; to receive support from experts for all IPR topics; to help to receive more IPR expertise in the company via Web based trainings.

The result is a web-based platform integrating different methodologies for all IPR issues.


ID-Women - Increasing employability of women with physical disabilities and inactive women via integrated e-training & e-mentoring


The aim of this project is “to train inactive women as e-mentors and consequently support micro-entrepreneurship of women with physical disabilities by means of e-mentoring, so that they can work from their home”. Thus project focuses on inactive women bearing a strong potential to become a mentor and addressing women with physical disabilities, having mobility restrictions as potential future mentees, who are aiming to work from their home as a micro entrepreneurs.

Project's e-training program targets inactive women to become and work as e-mentors, hoping potential e-mentors to enjoy and benefit from project's e-learning programme.


@theEUAGORA - Young Retailers Competitive in Europe


The @theEUAGORA project aims to create an online training and knowledge platform particularly addressing young entrepreneurs in the retail sector aged between 18-30 years old, who are about to inherit or are in the first couple of years of running a family business in the retail sector. All training material will be OERs with game-based elements available for e-learning and m-devices supporting ICT-based training, using specific authoring software and translated in all partner languages, accessible through the platform. Guest access will be available and connection with other OER databases will be made. A pedagogical methodology for training the above will be created in cooperation with VET and Educational providers. This platform will work as a “e-survival guide” to support target group in their business lives.


SMe-Mentor - Integrated Support to SMEs by transfer of experiences through e-Mentor e-Training


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) remain the back bone of the EU economy, given that 99.8% of all enterprises are SMEs or more specifically 92% of all enterprises are micro-enterprise with less than ten employees. They are confronted with a clear downturn in demand for goods and services and many expect a further worsening to come. Since the crisis began, many States have reported negative impacts, which vary by country, region, level of development and severity, including most of all rapid increases in unemployment, poverty and hunger.


Project focuses on e-Training of e-Mentors for giving e-Mentoring services to SMEs. Thus, it firstly aims to people who are well experienced in their profession and having good background but not working because of several reasons, or they may be retired persons. Thus, project aims to give them the possibility to become e-Mentors and re-enter the “job market” and secondly, to save the SMs by helping them via e-Mentoring to support their growth and sustainability.


SaVED - Support against Vocational Training and Education Dropout


SaVED addresses one of the most actual problem: education and training drop out that has increased in recent years due to the economic crises. Project aims to reduce drop outs by improving the quality of learning process and conditions via extending the aim of Risk Detector (RD) and produce a new tool namely the Institutional Profile (IP); to foster cooperation inside of Flexible Prevention and Support System (FPSS).


The estimated project impact on long term is lowering early school leaving, improving the quality of education and training processes, increasing the stakeholders' collaboration for preventing the drop out and absenteeism.


MeVeL - Fostering the Virtual Mobility within the Metal Sector


The economic crisis is showing a sectoral and occupational restructuring in the Metal Sector:In Europe, there are qualification tension in emerging sectors, with scarce offer of qualified manpower and other sectors with high rates of unemployment in groups of low qualified workers. On the other hand, there is an increasing requirement of qualification for the replacement of the vacancies. In these circumstances the job mobility becomes an effective training tool to meet these changes. However, mid-term studies show that despite the efforts of all EU initiatives, workers mobility do not increase as expected.


MeVeL adapts and transfers the methodology and tools of TeaCamp project, from the academic to the productive field, to favor virtual mobility among metal workers, by facilitating development, management and implementation of virtual mobility and by improving their virtual mobility competences.


BMW - Be a Mentor in the Workplace


Europe is facing the problem of population aging, which is on the top of the EC 2020 Strategies. According to Eurostat EU27 active population is about 58 million people aged 50-60, representing almost 25% of all actives, when 22% of aged 5-24 are unemployed. People are living healthy longer lives, which opens large opportunities to continue working and having important roles in the world of work. By the other hand, is visible a lack of vocational skills from the younger population including the new comers to world of work, wanting to increase their work performance, be creative, competitive, provoking improvements in their companies, increasing their employability, going up in their careers.


Be a Mentor in the Workplace is a project which promotes the development of mentoring skills, under the perspective of work based lifelong learning, of both mentors and mentees, envisaging a strong impact in the enterprises.


TATRA - Engrave Talent of Middle Aged Women in TouR Leading Competencies - Improve Access to Labour Market


Tourism is the growth area for Europe and is essential in the current economic global climate, as underlined by the Commission in continuous manner. Latest statistics are clearly validating the importance of the sector in employment of European citizen especially for women. The rate of employment of women in this sector is 60%, highlighting the importance of the sector in female employment. Middle aged educated unemployed women (MAW) is a very suitable target group for being trained and employed in European Tour Guide-Travel Leader field including possibility to work part-time. Existence of common European Tour Guide & Travel Leader (Tour Leader) definition and competency profile as well as e-learning based awareness training on such a profile are one of the most important lacking in this field.


Project aims to prepare a comparison of any existing definitions and competency profiles (soft skills, hard skills, attitudes) in "Tour Guide-Tour Leader" profession with an aim to develop standards in EU.


IT-Call - Integrated e-Training & e-Stage for People with Physical Disabilities to Work at Home as Call Center Representatives


As all kinds of vocational trainings simply aim to give opportunity to trainee to "work and earn money", the aim of this project is also to help our target group to work and earn money for their life sustainability. There exist a large number of inactive people with physical disabilities who are potentially "home based workers" or "e-workers", but they need proper and efficient training for this. One of the most convenient "home based working" field is "call centers". People who are employed in call centers as call center representatives are not necessarily have to be employed in the organisations’ premises or working offices anymore thanks to fast developing communication technologies and Internet. As a result of development in communication technologies, call diverting is very easy and inexpensive. Access to company Intranets via Internet is now part of daily life due to high Internet access speeds. Therefore, home based working in this field is perfectly possible in any part of Europe, if proper training and practice channels are made available to those who will be interested in such a challenging employment opportunity. Another important factor of choosing this field for e-working is the fact that the sector steadily grows around 10% every year all in Europe in spite of recent years' global crises.


The main aim of this project is “to e-train people with physical disabilities for their e-employment as call center representatives, to work from their homes”. Training concept will also include e-stage possibility for efficient and complete result achievement. After such a programme, individual will be ready to start working, without needing extra steps. So, main objective is “to increase employability of people with disabilities in a profitable scheme for both employee and employer, under current market conditions”.


VOW+IPLM - The value of work for individual position on labour market


The recent economic crisis imposed dramatic measures in terms of employment and social protection in all European countries. Entire categories of public sector employees, such as those in public administration, health, education, have unexpectedly found themselves in a position to reorient on the labor market because the budgets of all EU countries were reduced at salaries costs. The most vulnerable are employees with low and medium education level or those whose specialty does not correspond to their work position. Many of them have acquired a lot of competencies in the work place but even they don’t know about that. This situation revel once again the necessity to have methods and tools for validating competencies acquired in the workplace, transferable between sectors. The main aims of the project are to exchange the best practice in the recognition and validation competencies informal acquired and improving in this way the quality of validation of non-formal and informal learning process and the attractiveness of VET in participating countries. Objectives of project are developing an Innovative Methodology of validation and an Innovative tool e-evaluation platform, adapting and upgrading the innovative methods and tools developed by the pilot project "The Value of Work (VOW)" as well using good practices from partner countries.


The main VOW+IPLM results: Handbook of good practices including innovative method of VOW project as well good practice from partners countries on development of innovative validation methods; "Innovative methodology of validation" describing the methods and tools for evaluation and validation; Innovative tool "e-Evaluation Platform" for individual position on the labor market. The estimated impact is increasing employability, occupational mobility and participation in VET. Another estimation is that the substantial improvement of accessibility to the competencies validation process will take a place via innovative e-Platform tool.


TOOL - Training course and Online Osh resources for Line managers


Toolbox meetings (safety spot meetings) are proven to be an innovative, efficient and very practical instrument to transfer information on relevant OSH topics that are immediately applicable at the company floor to a specific target group. In order for the toolbox meeting to be effective, the toolbox leaders need specific training and communication skills to train and guide the trainees. In practice line managers in the construction sector often lack these skills. In addition, they often do not have the access to good quality information on specific OSH topics.


The training will consist of a structured training methodology seeking to provide the line manager with the adequate training and communication skills to train his co-workers in OSH-related matters via the use of toolbox meetings. Furthermore, an on line database will be set up to support the target group with specific tools to improve their training and communication skills; as well as information on two major OSH issues in the construction sector (prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and safe working at heights). The training will be transferred face to face and via an online training resource.


I-NEW - New Job opportunities of inactive women in tourism sector


Main project objective is to train inactive women for bringing them to the labor market in tourism sector. Project´s aim is to encourage/motivate/train and provide capacities, knowledge and skills to inactive women from different partner countries, to start a promising future in the tourism by being employed in the local tourism and be good examples of the theme. To achieve this ambitious goal, some innovative products of TourEast will be transferred and utilised further.


Through this project inactive women will be able to reconcile work, private and family life, they will be motivated to overcome obstacles in learning and working and moreover they will improve their capacities and skills to start promising future in tourism sector.


AGORA EUROPA II - Common Integrated Management e-Learning System for the development of professional competition skills in the small scale urban commerce in European dimension


The aim of this project is “to train retail sector shop owners and workers have perfect management competencies in retail trade”, so that they will increase their competition strengths in the sector, and their integration into labour market will be easier even if they quit from operating their small shops and try to be employed in larger enterprises.

The project also aims to provide the Human Resources of the companies in the urban commercial sector with an integrated Learning system by means of the New Technologies of Information and Communication for the Development of the competencies necessary to achieve a Professional, Advanced and Excellent Management in the sector of Urban Trade by modernization and professionalism of the urban trade sector by focusing on the labour market, workers or not, shop owners, aged between 15-30 years old and their need to keep their job besides the problems faced, or for those who have lost their job by training them on how to find new jobs based on advanced trainings and not only training them in new technologies.


The created portal area consists of a user-friendly system with a simple, highly interactive and functional infrastructure dedicated to retail sector shop owners and workers, informing them about employment issues, possible career paths and educational training through electronic media. The users will be also able to find out news about other European citizens being in the same position as they are and exchange ideas and experiences.


e-LIFE – e-Learning Virtual Center for People with Physical Disabilities


This project aims to develop/enhance a two-stage training program for computer oriented disabled people on CADD, Graphics, Web Design, MS Office and establish an e-platform which will serve those people to work as a freelance, self employed, or entrepreneur from their home based offices (“virtual assistants”).


In the fist stage of the program, trainees will learn “how to become a virtual assistant”, ie. learning the general principles of home office business and how to work as self-employed (or as “virtual assistants”) in general. The second stage of the training program will cover training on specific service fields, namely, CADD, Graphics Design, Web Design, Open Office.


CONTRACTERANTO –A communication-tool for high risk work environments where non-native speakers are involved


The ever increasing geographical mobility within Europe confronts employers and contractors with a new challenge:higher safety risks on the workfloor, due to the language gap btw workers from different nationalities. This project aims to help to bridge that safety gap.


CONTRACTERANTO is an online lexicon of work related terminology and it is multilingual (7 languages) and multimedial. It is aimed to refer to all sectors of industry, all high risk functions, all safety related subjects. Current scope refers to four sectors: construction, human health and care activities, metal sector and the chemical sector. But it is expandable to other sectors and can be translated to other languages easily.


VOCA Extended – Increased accessibility to vocational training and increased attachment to the labour market for disabled people through the VOCA Europe 2 Mentor model


VOCA extended Project developed a model to train people with physical disabilities to be mentors, who will consequently support (home based) employability of people with physical disabilities, by means of e-mentoring. The model can open the new channel for home based virtual job opportunities for people with disabilities, as well as providing the basement to enable disabled individuals to break through often barriers blocking their career success despite of their existing skills and abilities.


In VOCA extended portal, participants are offered e-mentor training in several languages and they are also be trained in guiding disabled people in how to work from home. Partners from previous VOCA projects were welcomed to enhance implementation of VOCA extended. SME's who are professional in the subject field, Universities, Disabled Organisations as well as Cultural Associations were all partners to be able to establish real European and professional dimension.


ICT – Our Way into the Future


In this mobility project, students from "Decebal" High School (10th and 11th grades) from Romania are involved.


The main objectives of the project were: to obtain certain practical skills in the field of ICT (for example, editing texts, pictures, sounds, designing posters and a webpage); to revise and improve the knowledge of HTML language of the participant students; to learn basic notions from software they do not study in school; to enlarge the participant students’ cultural horizon through becoming accustomed to another country and its traditions; to develop their linguistic competences through using English as an instrument for communication within the project and acquiring basic notions of the Turkish language. Also participants had an idea with the labour market.


IT-CALL –Integrated Training for Efficient Employability of Disabled People as Call Center Representatives


The main theme of the project was to develop and enhance the intercultural dialogue while exchanging the ideas, experiences and good work practices background which forms the knowledge of different participating organisations; to search present status of employment of disabled people in call centers and home based employment, to search present status of communication technology permitting home based call center employment; to develop a non-formal training and guiding for call center employment including practical hints for general necessary qualifications and to develop an informative outline for organisations running call centers.


Through this project, an informal training and guiding curricula for call center employment targeting disabled people including practical hints for general necessary qualifications is developed in which also the practical ways of searching related opportunities were indicated. Also, brief technical information is made available to organisations to let them know the possibility and attractive features of employing disabled people in their call centers in the form of home based employment.


Oeno-MAC –Multi-Actor-Cooperation training at all level for integrated sustainable development of the European viti-vini sector from the vineyard to the glass


Is an LdV VET project, aims at developing (design, development, test, validation, dissemination, promotion, guidance) innovative vocational training approaches, materials and tools to the integrated agro-food Sector "from the grape to the glass" based on the MAC environment. (Multi-Actor-Cooperation. involving all actors at all levels.)


The Oeno-MAC coaching solution primarily provides tools and training materials to the trainers/technicians/intermediairies to train and coach the farmers (Vine aspects), the Wine producers and the health or innovation actors in relation to Wine and Vine sectors. 5 key topics which have been chosen to build the Oeno-MAC coaching solution are: Vine cultivation: exchange of good practice and varieties; Wine production + recent changes in regulation and techniques; Bottling, labelling and other containers; Health, gastronomy and safety; and Business and rural developments. These topics are also mapped against identified European job profiles and an EQF (European Qualification Framework) approach. Modules, training materials, etc. are also defined to fit with the design of a European Credit system in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) related to these job profiles and EQF approach.


HeLPS Transfer –Helps for High Training and High School"


Is a project originates from the possibility to transform an e-Learning excellence initiative into the drive of an actual transformation and enhancement of knowledge, models, methodologies, school-university didactic-educational systems and professionalization of the e-Learning sector, in Italy and Europe.


The general aim of the HeLPS Transfer project is: “To transfer the results of the HeLPS Project in the framework of High School, University and Post-University High Training through the specialization of the training pathways developed by the project on the basis of the needs of the two reference sectors, the linguistic localization and structural adaptation of the main products and tools realized by HeLPS and the training and orientation of school and university operators”.


The results obtained from the studies are compiled and the volume entitled “From Didactic to e-Didactics” is published with annexed CD-ROM in all the localization languages and in English, both in hardcopy and e-Book format. Also the HeLPS Portal is localized in all the partnership languages and integrate and maintain it with the results of HeLPS Transfer.


Safestart – Basic Safety Training for Jobseekers and Temporary Workers. Translation and dissemination in different Member States


SAFESTART is a European partnership which aims to enhance work floor safety through the development of a user-friendly e-Learning training course, enabling users to prepare at their own pace for the exam in order to obtain the B-VCA or VOL-VCA certificate that is mandatory in some European countries.


Safestart - the European portal for vocational training on health and safety at work - offers an on-line e-learning course which serves as preparation for the official VCA exam; covers all the subjects which may come up in the official exam, so that course participants perfectly prepared to take the exam in an approved centre in order to gain their B-VCA certificate. During the course period, participants are being distance-mentored by an experienced tutor to whom they can address, via e-mail, any questions and comments they may have. Safestart course also give participants the option of completing exercises and taking a mock exam (at the same level of difficulty as the official exam) as many times as they like.


BE CuLT eXTeND – Basic E-Cultural and Linguistic Training - Extended Version


BeCult extend is a FREE online multimedia learning tool for young people in vocational training in the hospitality, retailer and tourism sector and is the successor of the Becult project. The tool is a learning platform where young people can prepare themselves lingually, professionally and culturally for a placement in another country. The learner can thus become familiar with the “unknown” reality of a working environment, before leaving home. BeCult extend reproduces in a virtual world real work places in Germany, Finland, Turkey, Spain, Italy, France, Estonia and the Netherlands with their specific linguistic and cultural settings.


The learning program is designed as a preparation and as guidance for a job-related stay abroad and as a help for continued learning and as a communication tool after the placement. It provides an insight into general cultural aspects as well as work-related particularities and allows the learner to become familiar with the language in the professional context. It uses attractive methodologies like appealing video clips, games and exercises especially designed for young people, thus strengthening the learners motivation.


APL-Bud – Towards a Qualified Construction Workforce for Poland


An international partnership from 7 countries has developed a system for Accreditation/recognition of Prior Learning (APL) for the Polish construction industry.


The partnership developed and piloted practical mechanisms for assessing and certifying the competences: gained by Polish construction workers through on-job experience in Poland, but not formally certified, of Polish construction workers returning after working outside Poland, of foreign construction workers working (or intending to work) in Poland.


Web infrastructure of final conference in Brussels as well as Web site maintenance were performed by us.


AGRI-Culture – Integrated Agricultural and Cultural Activity for developing knowledge, skills and competences for future specialist in horticultural plant culture


This LdV mobility project was realised with the collaboration of POINT, The Calugereni Agricultural High School from Romania and Alata Horticultural Research Institute (Erdemli,Turkey). Students coming from Romania performed practical training and cultural activities during their visit.


As a result of this mobility project, the students obtained the competences, knowledges and abilities which can permit them a professional development at European level. Since Alata Horticultural Research Institute uses modern techniques and methods in horticultural plants culture, this allowed the pupils to assimilate the quality knowledges, but also to be familiar with modern methods of work in this area.


Counseling - Vocational & Career Orientation


This mobility project was realised with the collaboration of Calugareni Agriculture High School from Romania, Ataturk Anadolu Vocational Training High School and Kecioren Agricultural Vocational Training High School from Turkey.

The visitor school is a technological rural high school, with many students who come from the less developed environment (poor, without possibilities) who need the orientation and guidance in the social life and in the professional activities. Hence, a good orientation of pupils to future professions may lead to a qualitative growth of quality at personal and professional level.


Through the mobility, a cooperation was obtained between Romanian school and the schools from Turkey and this experience offered the teachers plenty opportunities of learning and improving the knowledge and skills in the area of counselling and vocational and carrer orientation. Also the participants had acces to the innovative practices which is practised in this area.


Agro-MAC VET – Multi Actor Cooperation for Vocational Education and Training in the Agro-food Sector


The aim of this project is to provide a framework for new farmers, re-training farmers or people willing to become a farmer; by taking a multi-actor (university – enterprise-stakeholders) approach and to create tools applicable to vocational education & training institutions, and also to SMEs and individuals (farmers). In this framework both the existing work force and the upcoming farmers can be trained and certified in the areas of contemporary agriculture, environment and the production of “healthy and safe” food, not excluding the financial guidelines for start-up business.


As a product of Agro-Mac VET project, a Generally Recognized As Minimum (GRAM) Curriculum of agricultural vocational training, required for all professionals (farmers), seeking certification is proposed.


TourEast – Training of Unemployed Middle Age Women for Employability in Tourism Sector.


The idea of the project TourEast is the collaboration of partners from regions where the tourist industry is more developed with partners from regions where this branch is on its way towards becoming one of the most important sectors with a big market potential.


There are many middle-aged women who lost their job and have got big problems to find a job. They are experienced, hard working and precise, they have a sense for details and are also skilled in organising matters. They live mainly in regions afflicted by restructuralisation and they are among the most disadvantaged groups of unemployed people. Yet these women can very well use their work experience, working habits and features for new work, especially in the tourism branch.


These middle-aged women are being trained via informal learning (e-course) in some skills they already have, but they also develop them even further: communication, negotiation, presentation. They are also learning about the marketing and various services.


IT&E – Integrated Training & Employment of disabled people in computer aided drafting, detailing and graphics


The IT&E pilot project aims combined vocational training and e-employment of technical and computer oriented disabled people with mobility limitation in computer aided drafting, detailing and graphics. Therefore, the target group of the project was people with disabilities who are familiar with computers and have technical capabilities and/or orientation; and the target sector was engineering drafting, detailing and graphics.


PEDVA platform which is an outcome of the IT&E project offers a two-stage training program for the target group; the first step is being training on "how to become a virtual assistant", ie. learning the general principles of home office business and how to work as self-employed (or as "virtual assistants") in general, and the second stage is the training on drafting, detailing and graphics. Established e-platform serve those people to work as a freelance, self-employed or entrepreneur from their home based offices (general name: "virtual assistants").


SVAClubSpecialist Virtual Assistants Club "Where virtual staff meet virtual employers"

Specialist Virtual Assistants Club has been established in 1999 and is committed to filling the professional virtual services gap on the Internet as a portal bringing together professional virtual assistants for serving virtual employers both individually and in coordination. The reason behind this initiation was to form a club where virtual staff could meet virtual employers professionally. That is why the name of the club contains "specialist".


Since the main consideration is the "virtual services" which can be rendered electronically and supplied over the Internet, the confidence of both the service buyers and the service sellers in this business is very important. This confidence is achieved by first establishing mutual trust and an understanding that both parties will practice proper business ethics. There are further main criteria in virtual services such as task cost, quality and completion time. The relative priority of these criteria are determined by the parties on a case by case basis.


The main categories of SVA's are:Engineering, Drafting & Detailing, Software Development, 2D - 3D Graphics, Multimedia, Translation, Word Processing, DB Management, Other Office Utilities, Service Agents & Offices Abroad, Advisors. All these main categories also have various sub-categories.