ICT & Project Administration
Tuesday, 11th February 2025

ICT & Project Administration

ICT based projects, applications and solutions together with need and supply models have been developed for overcoming employment problems of disabled and disadvantaged people as well as SME’s and adults from various disciplines, since 1999, when first virtual employment portal SVAClub.com was introduced to the audience.

Having such a background and recently innovated/developed ICT based training projects, which are mostly targeting disabled people such as PEDVA and disadvantaged people such as TourEast, also some others such as VOCA, in cooperation with leading universities in Turkey. In all ICT related activities of organization, virtual learning, virtual working and virtual exchange of professional backgrounds and competencies are the main theme as these are the backbone of future world economy. POINT’s ICT professions vary from CMS, LMS developments to Web 2.0 and social media tailor made applications, even to the integration of engineering based artificial intelligence in these developments.

Recent project activities also include mapping of prior learning and existing skills and competencies into a cloud database, for comparison of ECVET credit levels before and after the implementation of e-learning activities.

POINT further targets to develop and input accumulated background mainly strategical improvements of ICT oriented virtual activities (e-learning, e-working, e-tutoring) for attaining solid results which will help/support improvements of current virtual training and employment platforms.