Monday, 3rd June 2024


Oeno-MAC Multi-Actor-Cooperation training at all level for integrated sustainable development of the European viti-vini sector from the vineyard to the glass


Is an LdV VET project, aims at developing (design, development, test, validation, dissemination, promotion, guidance) innovative vocational training approaches, materials and tools to the integrated agro-food Sector "from the grape to the glass" based on the MAC environment. (Multi-Actor-Cooperation. involving all actors at all levels.)


The Oeno-MAC coaching solution primarily provides tools and training materials to the trainers/technicians/intermediairies to train and coach the farmers (Vine aspects), the Wine producers and the health or innovation actors in relation to Wine and Vine sectors. 5 key topics which have been chosen to build the Oeno-MAC coaching solution are: Vine cultivation: exchange of good practice and varieties; Wine production + recent changes in regulation and techniques; Bottling, labelling and other containers; Health, gastronomy and safety; and Business and rural developments. These topics are also mapped against identified European job profiles and an EQF (European Qualification Framework) approach. Modules, training materials, etc. are also defined to fit with the design of a European Credit system in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) related to these job profiles and EQF approach.